Break the screen-time habit
Scrap screens and return to play
Get back to play
How would things be different? Less screen time, more creativity. Let’s help our children become independent self-starters who make their own fun.
Nec nulla turpis elit ac tristique natoque
Neque luctus pharetra
✔️ Creating a Screen-Free Home Environment✔️ Setting Screen-Time Boundaries✔️ Building a Screen-Free Play KitBONUSBONUS
Sed ligula ipsum augue parturient nulla et etiam
Curae enim sagittis nunc risus cubilia diam aliquam
Ready to finally kick the screen-time habit?
Day #1: Creating a Screen-Free Home EnvironmentDay #2: Setting Screen-Time BoundariesDay #3: Building a Screen-Free Play KitDay #4:Day #5:BONUSBONUS
Created by Alexis Ralphs
🚀 Founder of Play with Purpose🚀 Helped thousands of parents enjoy more meaningful play with their children through his acclaimed courses, Get Set Five and A Year With My Child🚀 Creator of One Hundred Toys, the only toy company that says you have too many toys.Give your child the tools she needs to become an independent self-starter who makes her own fun. A FREE five-day guide to reducing screen-time and getting back to play.

Five days to calmer play
(Even if it feels impossible)
A FREE five-day guide to reducing screen-time and getting back to play. Give your child the tools she needs to become an independent self-starter who makes her own fun.